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Dec 5, 2018

Sometimes people want to cast judgment on God for the bad things that happen - like the plagues in Egypt.

But in this episode of Bible Storyline, by taking a closer look at the epic plagues that struck Egypt 3500 years ago, we see nature unraveling for a very particular reason. God wants to save.


Exodus chapters 7 -...

Nov 19, 2018

From the courage of Jachobed who chose adoption to save her baby boy to the bizarre burning bush that wasn't burning to the common sense of Jethro who sent Moses on his way, the story of God's salvation for an entire nation of Israelites begins with incredible drama.

In this episode, we especially focus on how God...

Nov 7, 2018

Hear the story of Leah, the girl nobody loved, and how God's love raised her up. Hear the story of Rachel and how the deceitfulness of everyone around her turned her into a deceiver. And hear the story of Joseph, who learned that if you give God enough time, He can turn anything into a blessing.


Genesis 29 through...

Oct 30, 2018

Jacob was that kid who keeps stealing things from his big brother's bedroom when he wasn't looking. Hardly the type of person you'd expect God to care for. Or maybe he's exactly the type of person we should expect God to love and forgive. God does exactly that and more. Find out what happens when Jacob gets a new...

Oct 24, 2018

You would expect Isaac to have become one of the greatest men of faith after all God had done for him and his family. But as it turns out, it would be his God-given wife Rebekah who would "save the day". Learn more about the unfolding promise of the Savior in this episode of Bible Storyline, the story of Isaac and...